Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mid February Brain Farts

Hey anyone who may be following here, sorry for the delay in posts. I've been busy, and haven't really done anything too big.

PhotobucketHere is a small update on my Orks, I've finally found a colour scheme that I like and is simple... 12 colours including washes. It works well. I will of course add a few more colours as characters or vehicles. I also picked up the Ork Codex; as well as a pile of left-over bitz from my friend, Alphus. Now with Codex in hand, I can begin moving my army in a coherent direction, instead of 'lots of Meks and flying stuff'. Here are my latest Nobz with my first piece of Orky terrain, a Waaagh! Banner inspired by THQ's Dawn of War game.

PhotobucketPTI also did our first commission of the year- a Witch Hunters model, St. Celestine. This is the final figure, as approved by the client. I'm not too pleased with the way the sword turned out, but this was my first attempt for 'hot metal'.

I got a large armoured reinforcement for my Imperial Guard over this most recent weekend. One of my gaming acquaintance who is leaving the 40k hobby sold them to me. I got six Leman Russ tanks with a variety of turrets, five Chimeras, four Sentinels, two Hell Hounds, a Thunderer Siege tank, a Laser Destroyer, a Medusa Siege gun, a Salamander scout, and an Earthshaker platform. Well nowI'm not gloating (not too much), but this month's Standard Bearer in White Dwarf magazine was about the collection aspect of the hobby. With this new armoured influx, my collection of Imperial Guard now numbers over 40 vehicles, including a mighty Bane Blade. What do I do with them? Play Apocalypse games? Not really, actually. Right now I look for an out of the way place to stash them so they aren't underfoot or in reach of my toddler daughter. I am ever so slowly working through the process of painting and repairing them all, since most of them I have gotten in trade. This last batch I bought outright, but at a serious discount. Where was I? Collecting thats right. Most of my friends in the hobby collect exactly what they need for their army and thats it. If they find a unit that works better, they replace something and shelf it from their army until it can be traded away or sold. My Imperial Guard collection has been growing since the release of the codex in 2003. I have Steel Legion, Cadians, Stormtroopers, and Death Korps of Krieg, and Adeptus Mechanicus models. There are lots of conversions in my army since I can't seem to leave well enough alone, and I expect it will be true of my Orks as well. I'm al about my collection. It's what does it for me about the hobby. I've played one whole game since the launch of 5th edition. I hope to play more with my Orks and I have high hopes for the new Guard codex release in May. More for me to add to my collection. I guess my point is, don't be afraid to collect the figures that you like from what ever you play. Even if you never use them, as long as they make you happy, go with it.

On the Mordheim front, I picked up some balsa wood to continue production of my groups terrain; as well as a box of Flagellants and a Warrior Priest to complete my warband. The Warrior Priest I got from the GW UK web store, which brings me to...

The exchange rate for the win! I made an order for some GW stuff and got it at a pretty good discount - even after the shipping cost - from the UK web store. Now is a good time to order some Forge World, too.


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