Thursday, January 15, 2009


Here are my Bad Moon Orks.  I have 40 boyz, 18 Nobz, 3 Deff-Coptas, and 2 Warbosses from the AoBR box to get started.  I plan to do a flight based Waaagh, with bikes modded as *jet* bikes, lots of Deff-Coptas, Storm Boyz, and Meks.  Here are my first three Nobz and the AoBR Warboss.

None of these guys are based yet.  I am planning to do urban bases to match my city fight board.
Pictures of that are coming soon.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

PTI's New Home

Well it's 2009 and time for a new home.  After a false start last year over on MySpace, I finally have an ehome that is easy to find with the added bonus of not having to navigate through garbage.  For those of you who aren't familiar with us (me), PTI is Productive Thinking Industries.  We provide wargaming terrain, conversions, and painting for your budget.  This blog will be where I post progress on all PTI's and my own projects this year.  I have a whole ton of stuff to finish of my own, but will always make time for valued customers.